

Draeger Alcotest 5000

The fastest Dräger breathalyser ever

Detection of alcohol: YES/NO

Up to 12 tests per minute

Contactless testing

Hygienic, replaceable funnel attachment


Draeger Alcotest 6000

Basic breathalyser device for professional use

Compact and precise

Easy-to-replace mouthpiece

Data memory for up to 100 tests


Draeger Alcotest 7000

Professional breathalyser

Only one calibration per year

One device, two measuring methods

Wide temperature range

Cross-linked solutions

High alcohol detection limit

Particularly hygienic handling

Memory for up to 30,000 tests

Also available as a medical product (Alcotest 7000 med)


BT Printer

Mobile Printer BT facilitates wireless printing from any compatible Dräger testing device within a 15-metre radius.

Print speeds up to 100 mm per second

Bluetooth® printer.


Draeger Printer

Mobile Printer prints breath alcohol and drug test measurement results without using a dedicated power supply.

Wireless data transmission from the Alcotest® 6810 and Alcotest® 6820 to the Dräger Mobile Printer.

Thermal print technique


Draeger Drug Test 3000

Saliva test for drug screening

Compact, quick and usable anywhere

Detect up to 6 classes of substances with just one test

Ideal for police and industrial use


Draeger Drug Test 5000

Drug screening system, consisting of instrument, test cassette and optionally usable printer

Automated testing process

Detects up to 8 substance classes

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